Support Arab Cultural Outreach & Education!
OUR MISSION: To foster the understanding, appreciation, and preservation of Arab cultures.
OUR VISION: One world, united through the power of arts & cultures.

All donations are tax-deductible as we are a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. (EIN # 58-1685113)
As a nonprofit, 80% of our funding comes from individual donors, so we can’t do it without you!
Alif plays a very important role in providing a space to educate about Arab cultures and to celebrate the rich heritage of Arabs and Arab Americans. Our work bridges cultures and communities, eliminating negative stereotypes.
Your donation to Alif Institute is crucial to our ability to support the next generation of Arab Americans, bridge cultures, and decrease negative stereotypes.
Making a one-time donation is easy! Just click on the button above and follow the instructions.
Any donor who gives $350 or more will automatically be added to the Sanad Team!
Click it and forget it! Join the SANAD TEAM!
Sanad (سند) is the Arabic word for support or reinforcement. When you join our Sanad Team as a sustaining donor, you increase your donation’s impact by building for Alif a strong foundation of reliable donors. Best of all, it is easy to do! Just select your desired level of recurring support and your donation becomes automatic. As with all donations to Alif Institute, your donation is 100% tax-deductible.
Have questions? Please EMAIL US for more information!
As with all donations to Alif Institute, your donation is tax-deductible. 100%
Donate to Alif and together we will:

As a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, we rely on donations to carry out our mission to foster the understanding and appreciation of Arab cultures.
Why donate to Alif Institute?
- Alif Institute is where Arab cultures live in the southeast and beyond! In our 19 years of existence, Alif has established itself as a valuable resource for all things related to Arab cultures.
- Alif connects, supports, and educates the past, present, and future generations of Arab-Americans.
- We are a home away from home for Arabs and Arab Americans.
- We are building a sustainable institution that will engage generations to come.
- Arabic arts and cultures are crucial to how Arab Americans understand themselves and how they are understood by others. Through our educational and outreach efforts, we impact how Arab Americans are perceived.
- We are a bridge between cultures and a place where non-Arabs can learn about the beauty and richness of Arab cultures.
- We represent Arab cultures around the metro Atlanta area and beyond through our programs, participation in local cultural events, and presentations to schools and organizations.
- We celebrate the goodness and unity of Arab cultures and within the Arab American community.