Join the Sanad Team!

It’s easy to become a sustaining donor with automatic donations recurring monthly or annually at the level you choose.

Sanad Team members make a huge impact! By automating your donations, you provide Alif Institute with a reliable donor base.  

And, Sanad Team members get perks!
  • Sanad Team member discounts

  • Annual special social event exclusively for the Sanad Team

Automatic monthly donations starting at $25/month.

Automatic annual donations starting at $350/year.

Sanad (سند) is the Arabic word for support or reinforcement. When you join our Sanad Team as a sustaining donor, you increase your donation’s impact by building for Alif a strong foundation of reliable donors. Best of all, it is easy to do! Just select your desired level of recurring support and your donation becomes automatic. As with all donations to Alif Institute, your donation is 100% tax-deductible. 

Contact Us

Operating Hours
  • Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays
  • 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
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