Integrated Moroccan – 200 (Virtual)

Day/Time:  Monday, from 7-9 pm
Location:   Virtual
Instructor: Abderrahim Er-Ragragi
Cost: $385 ($360 until August 22)

  • Classes begin the week of August 23 – the week of December 13.
  • No classes the week of September 6 (Labor Day Holiday) and November 22nd (Thanksgiving Holiday).

How to Register

  1. Please fill out the following form below.
  2. Click both boxes to agree with our policies.
  3. Enter your electronic signature.
  4. Click the SUBMIT button.
  5. Click the ADD TO CART button and follow the process to check-out.
  6. We’re happy to help if you have any questions! Please contact us at or 770-936-8770.

Register for Adult Arabic Classes

Class Selection

Please enter the course number, day/time, and instructor's name. If you're not sure which class is best for you, please write "NOT SURE."

Student Information

Student is(Required)
Student Name(Required)
Student Address(Required)

Emergency Contact

Emergency Contact Name(Required)

Additional Items

Did you attend Arabic classes before?(Required)
Do we have permission to use photographs?
Alif Institute uses photos or videos taken during various programs and events in order to promote the Institute. Students may sometimes appear in such photos or videos. Do you give Alif Institute permission to use photos or videos in which you appear?

Policies and Regulations (Please read):

• Placement tests are given to all new applicants who learned some Arabic in the past. They consist of a 15-minute conversation, reading, or writing evaluation, free of charge.
• Tuition or the first installment should be paid in full by the first day of class, by check, cash, or credit card.
• Tuition is non-refundable after the first class and may not be transferred to another semester. The return check fee is $20. Alif Institute is not responsible for classes missed due to student absences.
• Textbook costs are not included in tuition except when indicated.
• Classes are filled on a first-come, first-served basis upon receipt of full payment. Cancellation of a class due to insufficient enrollment will be made three business days before the first class.
• Alif Institute programs and facilities are available to all persons without discrimination by race, color, creed, age, sex, national origin, or handicap.

We will follow Dekalb County and CDC COVID-19 safety guidelines. If your class is in-person, please do not attend if you are any symptoms or have tested positive for COVID-19.

Student Agreement(Required)

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Contact Us

Operating Hours
  • Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays
  • 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
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