Education Corner
The Arab-American population in the United States has increased tremendously in the past three decades. While the 2000 Census accounted 1.25 million people whom self-identify with an Arabic-speaking origin, it is estimated that the Arab population is over 3.5 million people (Zogby International). Most reside in Los Angeles, Detroit, New York, New Jersey, Chicago and Washington D.C.
According to the Arab American Institute Foundation, there are approximately 80,000 Americans of Arab descent in Georgia, of which approximately 50,000 reside in Atlanta.
The Alif Institute’s establishment recognizes Arabs as notable contributors to world culture and their contributions to the New World.
Arab countries are spread across the Middle East, consisting of 22 nations in southwest Asia and North Africa. The Arab world covers 5.25 million square miles, with its population measuring approximately 350 million people of different ethnicities.
To learn more about Arab and Arab-American culture, you may download our various educational one-page Educational Documents (PDF) using the links below.
Educational Documents
Written by Alif Institute – please read disclaimer below
- Learn more about the Arab World, and about Arab Americans.
- Discover Arab Cultures, learn about Decorative Arts, see various Traditional Costumes, and hear Traditional Music.
- Presentation on Christian Holidays, and Islamic Holidays.
Other Useful Resources
Various links to other useful resources (please read disclaimer below):
The Arab World
- Al-Bab portal – United Kingdom
- L’Institut du Monde Arabe Paris
- Model Arab League/National Council on US-Arab Relation – Washington, DC
- National Network for Arab American Communities (NNAAC) – Dearborn, MI
- Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services (ACCESS) – Dearbon, MI
- Center for Arab American Philanthropy – Dearborn, MI
- Arab American National Museum – Dearborn, MI
- Arab-American Institute – Washington, DC
- American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee – Washington, DC
Arabic Language and Literature
- Middle East Outreach Council MEOC
- The Arabic Language / Al-Bab portal – United Kingdom
- Middle East & Islamic Studies Collection: Arabic literature Cornell University library – Ithaca, NY
- Amana Academy – Atlanta, Georgia
- Dar-un-Noor Academy – Atlanta, Georgia
- Al
Arab Cuisine
- Mediterranean Cuisine / Denise Hazime / DedeMed
- Moroccan cuisine / Alia Al-Kasimi / Cooking with Alia
Arab Arts & Culture
- Mizna – Minneapolis, MN
- ArteEast – Brooklyn, NY
- Arab Film Festival – San Jose, CA
- Philistine Films – New York, NY
- Arab Film Distribution – Seattle, WA
- Arabic Hour Television – West Rosbury, MA
- Golden Thread – San Fransisco, CA
- Arab Theatrical Arts Guild – Dearborn, MI
- Turath – La Canada, CA
- Arab-American Composer and Pianist Malek Jandali – Atlanta, GA
- Fondation Arabe pour l’Image/Arab Image Foundation – Beirut, Lebanon ; New York, NY
Media Links in Arabic
Media Links in English
Other Links
- United Nations | Middle East – New York, NY
- About Islam / Arab & Islamic Studies– University of Georgia
- Middle East Policy Council – Washington D.C.
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