Welcome AAF 2024 Restaurants & Special Food Vendors!

General Information

Saturday, October 5, 2024
Sunday, October 6, 2024 

11 AM – 6 PM

Location: Alif Institute
3288 Marjan Drive
Atlanta, GA 30340
Admission & Parking:  FREE!

Dear restaurant vendor applicant,
We are excited to offer applications for our 17th annual Atlanta Arab Festival! Please read the important information below and submit your application as early as possible. Space is limited and we do anticipate selling out! Kindly note the following:

  • Application fees help Alif Institute cover the expenses of organizing the Atlanta Arab Festival and support this important community program.
  • We will contact you shortly after submitting your application. If accepted, we will send you a link for payment.
  • Spaces are limited and will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • The following are not permitted: pets, smoking, weapons, distribution of political, religious, or other non-authorized materials. Artistic expressions of spiritual beliefs are welcome, such as ornaments, jewelry, etc.)
  • Please read all the following information and email us at festival@alifinstitute.org if you have any questions. 

AAF Mission:

The AAF is an annual event designed to celebrate Arab cultures, support Arab artists and artisans, build community, and promote cultural exchange through meaningful experiences.

About the AAF & Alif Institute: 

The AAF draws attendees reflecting the diversity of the Atlanta metropolitan area and beyond. Over its history, the number of attendees has steadily increased, from 300 attendees in the first years to over 6,000. The Festival draws a diverse mix of Arab and non-Arab attendees from around the metro-Atlanta area and surrounding states. Festival participants represent some of the best Arabic restaurants, caterers, artists, and a diverse group of businesses, nonprofits, and organizations. All ages enjoy experiencing Arab cultures through the delicious food, unique performances, rich cultural exhibits & workshops, and engaging games and activities!

The Atlanta Arab Festival is organized by Alif Institute, an educational, and cultural nonprofit organization founded in 2004. Alif seeks to connect humanity through the power of arts and culture through our mission to foster the understanding and appreciation of Arab cultures. Alif Institute offers Arabic language classes along with a multitude of cultural activities, including film screenings, art exhibits, concerts by renowned artists, and lectures by various researchers and authors. The Institute and all of its events are open to the general public and people from all backgrounds are welcome.

Donations made to Alif Institute in the form of sponsorship or in-kind contributions will be acknowledged as tax-deductible.

Contact Us

Operating Hours
  • Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays
  • 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
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