Learn Arabic Language with Alif Institute!

     Saturday, January 18 from 12 PM – 3 PM
     Alif Institute:  3288 Marjan Drive, Atlanta GA 30340

  • Meet students & teachers
  • Review the curriculum 
  • 1:15 PM – 2 PM: Kan ya Makan (Arabic Storytime & Crafts for kids)
  • 12 PM – 2:30 PM: Sahtain wa Hana (Homestyle Arabic Community Lunch)


Choose from in-person, live-online,
private tutoring (individuals or groups), and study abroad!

Why choose Alif Institute for your Arabic learning journey?

Alif Institute is the only non-profit, non-religious, and non-political Arab-American cultural center one of its kind in the Southeast. We are known regionally and nationally for our cultural and linguistic programming, community engagement, and annual Arab-American Festival.

Located in Atlanta, Georgia, we have access to diverse Arabic-speaking communities from several generations, backgrounds, identities, and affiliations. Our mission is to foster the education and appreciation of Arab cultures. In our Arabic programs, you not only learn about Arabic literary contributions, grammar, and how to pass a test in a classroom, but also and more importantly, you learn to interact with a diverse array of Arabic-speakers and Arab-Americans in everyday settings, how to navigate grocery stores, order at restaurants, proper conduct during home invitations, professional business settings, at the doctor’s office, etc. while learning to cook, write calligraphy, listen and play music, in a transformative curriculum were you acquire a critical understanding of history and stereotypes, developing your intercultural and global competence skills, and not shying away from the hard questions. 

Alif is also a partner for many organizations such as the QFI Arabic Teachers Council of the Southeast, Georgia Arabic Teachers Association, Georgia Arabic Student Association, etc. As a community member of the Greater Atlanta Coalition for Global Education and Research (GAcGEAR), we are committed to graduating students with global competence, ready to compete in the 21st-century workforce.

Contact Us

Operating Hours
  • Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays
  • 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
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